Have you found Ukraine on a map yet?

Your virtue signaling is impressive. Your knowledge of world politics and history not so much

Originally Posted by bellydeep
Originally Posted by BillyGoatGruff
Modern Russia is not the USSR. There are certainly analogies to be made, but it is NOT the USSR. That is something that a surprising number of folks either refuse to acknowledge or don't get.

In what ways? Please expound. “It is because it is” is not enough.

Originally Posted by JoeBob
Ukraine ain’t Imperial Germany which possessed the best army to ever exist. And Russia wasn’t militarily beaten in Afghanistan. Like us, they just got tired of fcking around and went home.

That’s the point about Ukraine. They won’t ever “just go home”. They consider it an existential war.

True, but Ukraine doesn’t have to have the best army anymore. They just have to possess the best technology. One big difference in the modern era.

And does the Russian populace consider it an existential threat, or does Putin? There’s a significant difference.

Originally Posted by Tyrone
According to the Russian intelligence community, in the past two days, the United States has completed plans for a possible military invasion against Russia.

Actually, the US has had a plan for invading Russia since the beginning of the Cold War, if not the Russian Revolution. That’s what military planners do.