Originally Posted by SKane
Well, this time it's to pay for other expenses:

Directly - via Gunbroker message:
"I would not be selling this rifle if it were not for the need to come up with lots of cash for my wife's mothers recent passing and funeral expenses.

But he was still entertaining trades.
Song and dance, song and dance.

A 'good Christian' always needs to justify their decisions/choices so as to not appear as a bald faced lie!!! Thought his last post here was that he had a 'moment' where the stupid prick seen the error of his thieving, conniving ways and was taking a break to change himself? Guess that moment has passed like the rest of his chit. When that thieving prick croaks he'll fry so fast and hot there will be more soot, ash and destruction then from Mt St. Helens!!!!

Still asking the Lord in my prayers for that 'nut kick' to him before my demise. Of course I wouldn't hesitate at the chance to stomp his shriveled dead nuts into the bottom of his coffin either.lol