Originally Posted by safariman
Thanks for all of the bump ups, gentleman. I just sold it to a member here.


I admit that I should have remembered that Jack Huntington did the work on this, I just did not have that info at the top of my still addled brain when asked. In my world the last few years have been an eternity of paiin and exhaustion and Dr appointments and med's and..... My memory ain't all that hot, yet. And actually, I should have waited until I was off of high doses of prednisone and many other drugs that mess with my brain...

So sick. So broke. So not responsible for your actions--it's always someone/something else's fault. Always preying on the sympathy and goodheartedness in others.

"There's more to optics than meets the eye."--anon

"...most of us would be better off losing half a pound around the waist than half a pound on our rifle."--dhg