It would seem that Mrs Safariman is a con lady of her own right. She has written many times on the forum that she has much experience and is employed in the mental health field. Her LinkedIn profile indicates that she is an employee/owner of a day care facility and has been for 10 years. Hmmmmm.........makes one wonder what else there could be?

It has been brought to my attention that this may be his ex. (didn't know he had an ex) If so I stand corrected and issue an apology. It appears that I was indeed mistaken in my evaluation of theLinkedin bio. I do issue an apology to the current Ms Safariman.

Last edited by MissouriEd; 07/08/15.

Beware of thieves, scammers and dishonest members on the "Fire" classifieds. Ya there is a thief here too. Whatever!!

They're all around the CampFire and everywhere.