Oh, I see so much 'potential' for sick humor with all the impressive info on that link I can hardly refrain.

I mean the opportunities for Uncle Chester.....I mean Reverend Mark.....errrrr.....Mr Haney..or whatever his name is today. I would love for my Chil(how I heard it pronounced all the time at Ferguson, MO demonstrations) to learn about JESUS, buying insurance/investments for their senile grandma, honesty, integrity, internet selling and soooo many other good Christian schoolin topics.

Sure hope I don't offend him or that lil cupcake and he drives to SD with his great internet bud 'Larry/douchebag whatever and I become another 'casualty' of the Uberlanche and then he steps out and excersis' that good cheap kidney on whats left of me!!

I thought he was going to "step back" and regroup his past shananigan's, lies, stealing etc and turn over a new leaf? Medication must have erased that BS from the pricks mind too eh???? If there were ever a person who deserved everything bad that has and could/will happen they get my vote!!!!! Wanna PUKE!!!!