What a bunch of cowardly azzwipes. You all hide on this site behind your screen names thinking you are safe from identification.

You all will be identified as we have both the resources and the time to nail you all down. That information will be passed to Mark to do with as he sees fit.

Just so you know, there are many people on this site who know Larry Root, have done many deals with him and never had a problem.

No this poster is not Larry, as much as you wish otherwise as you would like to believe there is only one person who finds you wimp scumbags a waste of bandwidth. You may get THIS user ID banned but it will do nothing to interrupt
our research on the worst of the worst. You know who you are and it is sad to see some other members swallowing your lies and slander without knowing Mark or any of you from a pile of cow dung (which you resemble).

Tatelaw, you are a SUCKER. By your own admission you dealt with Mark and had no problems. But DUH you are willing to take the word of these serial liars that Mark is a crook. Where's beef man ?

Hide in your closets, you are typical of the wimp nation the USA is becoming.
Men deal with men FTF, wimps hide in closets and spread pollution. We all know that if it is on the internet it must be true, right.

You are only tolerated on this site because you help the income of the site owner, that's why BigStick and Bricktop are back.

Go on with your stupid BS, someday the piper will be paid.