Originally Posted by FOsteology
The 2004 exam also means that assets hidden will be seized, even if they were sold (they'll track down the new owners, seize them, and have the new owners file a claim against Mark & Sherri), and if they cannot be found then any other assets currently owned will be subject to a lien in the amount(s) of the unrecovered assets.

That means the good folks here on the campfire that bought items from Mark may very well be contacted, have the items seized, and they'll have to cooperate AND file claim against Claiborne.

Mark laid it all out, right here on the campfire, as to what he had... and you can bet it wasn't listed on the filings. The Trustee can and likely will perform a full and complete investigation (with or through the FBI and law enforcement). That will include any purchase/sales receipts, computer and cell phone records, etc.

Mark and Sherri will be DAMNED lucky if the Trustee doesn't turn that info. over to ATF and the Washington state authorities for any interstate gun deals without an FFL, or violations of the WA firearms transfer laws. And then there's the matter of the IRS possibly getting involved. If the Trustee finds tax discrepancies, that can be forwarded to the IRS officers and have them take a lookie-loo.

They're up sheit creek without a paddle. Phfucked to a degree that most of us don't ever want to imagine...

I would think, too, if it turns out that their bankruptcy is not discharged due to fraudulent discloser of assets, Asphaltangel could also be subject to garnishment of her wages by creditors listed in their bankruptcy filings, should they choose to do so. The same goes for Safariman, if he has already, or does in the future, return to working at some kind of a paying job.