Originally Posted by Miss Lynn
Originally Posted by HilhamHawk
I asked my better half about it, and she came up with 3 possibilities.

1. She's in on it.
2. She's attracted to "bad boys".
3. She loves him so much that she is willing/able to overlook anything.

Or, any combination of the 3.

Your Wife pretty much covered it all.

My Mother suffered from number 2 and 3 when it came to my stepfather. The things that he visited upon our family was beyond the world any child should ever have to live in. After he died my Brother and I brought up the subject of the mental, physical and emotional abuse we suffered at his hands, and we questioned her as to why she made no effort to remove us from that way of life. Her response was that we were "dreaming" and that no such thing occurred at any time, and that we needed to get help because we were living in some kind of sick world of our own creation. She became angry and violent, like some kind of mentally incapacitated shrew. Needless to say our relationship pretty much ended not long after that incident.

He ran over my Mother with a car, smashed her head into a cast iron heater requiring more stitches that I could count, he slashed both her arms requiring 72 stitches on one arm and 71 on the other, and many, many other things too numerous to mention. His treatment of us, her own flesh and blood was the same, yet she stood by him, no matter what, no matter who.

So, yes, there is a great possibility that Sherri suffers from a combination of 2 or 3.


She is as sick and twisted as he is.

Whatever it is, if he was a 1/1,000,000 of the man he claims to be, he would put a stop to himself. Because at this point he is too sick and twisted to fix, ever.

If it's because she is attracted to "bad boys" she really needs to get out more, Mark is about as "bad boy" as a chikadee splashing in a bird bath

The government plans these shootings by targeting kids from kindergarten that the government thinks they can control with drugs until the appropriate time--DerbyDude

Whatever. Tell the oompa loompa's hey for me. [/quote]. LtPPowell