Will tell this with a different slant, no pun intended.

Average sized Vietnamese male trying to get out of Dodge on a bike, peddling like a mad man. I would'a been doing something myself if a Charlie model Huey was at my six acting like he was the new sheriff in town, but probably not peddling straight down a dirt trail to Hell.

A H/E quick fuse on a 10# warhead, propelled by a 2.75" FFAR slithered just under the peddler's cheeks, detonated on the seat and whaddya know, bikers can fly!

Made a mess of the bike too.

Lesson here for bike riders is don't pizz off a chopper pilot. Act calm and casual, do not run or peddle fast. Always be polite and don't mince words when he asks for directions to the nearest bar.

I am..........disturbed.

Concerning the difference between man and the jackass: some observers hold that there isn't any. But this wrongs the jackass. -Twain