The law is what it is, Nifty. In Oregon a bike is a vehicle; further, you are required to give enough room when passing that if they crashed you'd still miss them (that's a relatively recent law).

Car drivers are in no physical danger from cyclists. Cyclists are in mortal danger from cars 24/7/365. Virtually all of the anti-bike angst expressed here and elsewhere has to do with "feelers" and the psychology of driving a car. Look that up. People's personalities change.

I ride rural roads and do my best to play fair. Nonetheless I've annoyed a few drivers. Funny, they never stop, even when I give them the bird right back with gusto. Any of you ever want to have a heart to heart with a cyclist, look me up. I'm the big guy in bright yellow west of Eugene. Given that most drivers are lardasses and I've got a pretty good pump on when riding, I'd be quite happy to have that little talk. wink

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two