Pages and pages dedicated to a pathetic minority that feels entitled to something they have no right. Highways were made for automobiles and paid for with related taxes. Along comes some self appointed bicyclist and demands room and respect.

Bicyclists are all over the place with an industry that has made a fortune off their stupidity. When we were kids, we rode bikes to get somewhere and didn't need plastic brain pans and spandex to ride the bike. When we rode our bikes, we steered clear of cars and understood the hazards of automobiles. Our town is full of bicycle trails paid for by taxes of city residents and less than 1% of the population even use them.

Now, just like gays, transgenders, and countless other super minoritys, bicyclists make such a outcry for consideration they don't deserve. They peddle their asses all over the place expecting special treatment, when they don't get it, all of a sudden we have an intolerant society.

Ban the bastards...

Originally Posted by RJY66

I was thinking the other day how much I used to hate Bill Clinton. He was freaking George Washington compared to what they are now.