Originally Posted by 700LH
Originally Posted by PaulBarnard
Originally Posted by WayneShaw
I haven't read all the posts here, but I will offer my opinion. I live on a rural road. There are no shoulders, no sidewalks and the lanes aren't as wide as an interstate by any means. And the roads aren't straight, many curves and hills, you can't see what is ahead half the time. Why cyclists pick these roads to ride I ave no idea, especially since they ride in the middle of the lane. In my view, they are asking for an accident, because sooner or later it will happen. Either the cyclist will get run over, pushed off the road and wreck, or cause a head on with an on coming car. It's not safe for anyone, yet they still do it. It should be restricted to proper roads only, where everyone's safety is as best as can be.

Or drivers could simply not outdrive their line of sight, and everything would be fine. But I certainly understand the mentality that finds fault with the cyclist when a motorist outdrives their line of sight. I really like the part about the cyclist "causing" a head-on! Nice work.

Only a mentally deficient mind would think it was OK for bicycles to ride like that risking lives is alright.

Yup. It's the entitled mentality of many unfortunately.

I've said it before on here, but I'll reiterate. In my area, there are hundreds if not thousands of miles of state and Forest Service roads that a pedal biker can use to recreate on. Not to mention gated roads that have no motorized traffic. But instead, many choose to pedal along on 2 lane, no shoulder, 70 mph highways that are already clogged with tourists pulling campers, boats, etc. and local traffic. Simple arrogance, no other way to put it. Bad enough to deal with the poofters in towns where they have their own special lane, up here it's ridiculous.