I ride rural roads primarily. Light traffic. I try to be considerate. Sometimes there's just no way around it, a car has to slow down for a second. The horror! I mean the poor driver had to move their right toe over a couple inches and press a pedal, then move it back! It's a lot to ask. crazy

I don't know if this has been said so I will. It seems like drivers often assume that bikes should be on the shoulder. In Oregon at least, the cyclist has discretion to do what they think is safest; and I'm here to tell y'all that hugging the far edge of the road is often not safest at ALL. For multiple reasons. First, shoulders aren't bike lanes; they can suddenly vanish, have mailboxes sticking into them, debris, dead animals, potholes, etc. One of the most dangerous things a cyclist can do is swerve into the lane, yet, if you ride a shoulder you will be forced to do so with frequency. Not good. Motorists assume that the cyclist is gonna stay over there and don't give enough room. Second, if you are on the shoulder cars will attempt the dreaded "squeeze pass"; it's much better to force cars to respect you as a vehicle and pass accordingly when it's safe to do so. I'm not saying get out in the middle of the lane. I like to ride about a foot from the fog line, that gives me some buffer to my right if I need it, and makes cars pass safely. Better for everybody.

Dogs are a bummer. I've pepper sprayed a half dozen of them. I've considered McGyver'ing a holster in my frame triangle for a Glock, too.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two