Originally Posted by GregW
Originally Posted by PaulBarnard
Originally Posted by GregW
Originally Posted by PaulBarnard
Originally Posted by GregW
The OP loves the attention, yes. That's the point of his threads.....

That's the point of ALL social media posts.

Umm, no. But it explains your contributions succinctly....

It takes a little depth of thought to comprehend this, but responses/attention are why people post on social media. Anyone that says otherwise isn't being honest or isn't thinking. Whether you post something entertaining, educational, enlightening or otherwise you are hoping people pay attention to it. If everyone on the forum had you on ignore, would you post?

There can be a fine line between trolling and a thread like this. Trolls will not engage in intellectually honest discussion. While I full well knew most of the responses would be of the "Spandex monkey" type, I happily engaged in thoughtful exchange when respondents wanted it. Trolls don't do that.

I created this thread as a place for people to vent about bicyclists. With that said when I felt like people had serious questions or concerns I responded politely, often providing links to support my comments. I have pointed to behaviors some bicyclists engage in that I will not. I have cited the law. When it appeared people wanted banter, I played right along. I have steadfastly put the "problem" of bicycles on the road in the correct perspective. In the grand scheme of things they are scarcely a blip on the radar. Very easy to deal with. More so than the other motorists on the road. Yet when you look at the responses, the emotion, the anger, the irrationality put on display you'd think they were a bigger deal than distracted or drunk drivers.

Going back to why I created the thread. You are here. If you hadn't found some kind of value in the thread, you wouldn't be here. You do know that you could quietly drift away from it if you don't find value right?

You know what doesn't take a lot of depth of thought? You are one arrogant, passive agressive dude....

Great thoughtful, substantive post! I do apologize if I came off as passive in any way.