The law in Colorado as I understand it is , If I hit a bicyclist I'm at fault.

There is a "single file law" for the bicyclists to keep them out of traffic but it's not uncommon to roll around a corner in the mountains and have 4 wide, chatting as they mosey along an uphill grade.

If I leave my lane to go around, It's on ME.
If I'm travelling at road speed and roll around a corner and hit a rider in the road, It's on ME.

When the traffic light is red, the bikes hit the side walk to keep going and jump back to the street at their convenience, which I'm now obliged to avoid because they are Bikes, It's on Me.

If I grumble too loudly I'll be beaten into submission for not respecting the "rights" of fellow commuters that have no License,Registration,Insurance,and are not responsible for their action, That too is on ME.

Yes, I have a mountain bike and no, I don't ride with cars.

"Camping places fix themselves in your mind as if you had spent long periods of your life in them.
You will remember a curve of your wagon track in the grass of the plain like the features of a friend."
Isak Dinesen