I do not wear that gay Tour de France outfit, I wear a white t shirt. No gay French helmet for me, I wear a baseball hat, to which I clip my little rear view mirror. This way I can see which vehicle is coming up upon me from behind.
No fancy bicycle shoes, just wear tennis shoes......

In fact, if I was coming up on a curve, and saw in my rear view mirror that a car would have to slow down to pass me, I would just pull over on the shoulder and let the car pass. I am a polite bike rider.

Sounds like you and I are on the same page. I am forever aware that I am the one putting myself out there in or in immediate proximity to public roadways, and act accordingly. If I get hit, it will always be my fault.

I will say I ride slower than the spandex crowd commonly does. Part of this is the fact that the faster you go, the more your eyes have to be fixed on nothing but the pavement ahead of your front wheel, I actually like to be able to look around when I ride.

Another reason for going slower is I will bail off of the asphalt and onto the roadside grass in a heartbeat rather than impede traffic. You cant do that very well when you're rolling fast.


"...if the gentlemen of Virginia shall send us a dozen of their sons, we would take great care in their education, instruct them in all we know, and make men of them." Canasatego 1744