In my area, Charleston SC there is a National Forest. In said National Forest there are a few curvy roads in an otherwise straight road world so to speak..

The leftist cyclers flock to these roads, two wide, four wide etc in big groups, small groups, doubles and singles..

There is no shoulder on these roads and the yellow line is the dirt demarcation zone.

It simply appalls me that someone or some group has so much cushion time on their hands that they feel the need to ride a bike on a dangerous road risking not only my life but theirs.. The only way around them is to pass and to pass is to pass on a blind curve so you are forced to ride behind them or move into the possibility of oncoming traffic..

Physics in the end is getting the best of them as one is smashed into the idiot of soft flesh hambuger that results when a logging truck takes the turn wide... Is it worth it? Spandex must feel incredible or the bike seat up your crotch one..

Personally I think its about as left winged pussy as it comes period, grown adults with nothing better to do than play dress up in pink stockings, eating gel cookies and chest thumping how fast they can go on a bicycle.. Get a MTN bike for Gods sake.. At best a weird group of people that would rather tout health and nature than live the real thing and all the while risking their lives , their childrens future and the lives of others to ride a bike on a paved road no less..

Lowcountry Wildlife Management
Knowing Wildlife Beyond Science
[email protected]
Genesis 9;2