Originally Posted by BayouRover
There's no doubt about it.......... Paulie be one bad mofo............ laugh

Nope. Not a badass at all. When I bicycle I do so with a great deal of respect for motorists. Really no different from the way I drive. When I drive I do so in deference to the vulnerability of pedestrians and cyclists, and also with great respect. I encounter cyclists and pedestrians on my commute every day. Some of them behave remarkably dumb. Even with that they are never a threat to my safety and never much more than a fleeting inconvenience. I can't say the same thing about the motorists that I encounter on a daily basis. I can't even begin to comprehend how entitled some of you must feel to take such great offense to the rare and limited inconvenience cyclists pose to them. But by God we'll all be tough enough to go to war if our guns are banned.