Originally Posted by PaulBarnard
Originally Posted by Backroads
When your recreational pastime is to impede traffic by moving a full 50mph under the posted speed limit on a highway with 12 inches of pavement outside the white line, you might be an azzhole.
Got a bike lane? Mountain bike? All good.

I have never experienced difficulty going around a cyclist. If you experience difficulty, maybe it's you?

Not so fast you cycling beaver rapist....I lived on an island for years that provided a scenery of farmland and wildlife. It was almost a daily situation for me to have to deal with spandex wearing, sponsored riders who would ride side x side taking up the two lane road.

Slow down, follow behind, lightly tap the horn to try to persuade some of the riders to ride single file while I passed. The County even put up signs with a picture of a bicycle and to ride single file.

A lot of riders were great, but a significant number of them required words of encouragement to move...Some cyclists are no different than some drivers...Dumb Fùcks! 😎


I miss your rainbow beaver rodeo avatar.

Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”