Originally Posted by BillyGoatGruff

Yup. It's the entitled mentality of many unfortunately.

I've said it before on here, but I'll reiterate. In my area, there are hundreds if not thousands of miles of state and Forest Service roads that a pedal biker can use to recreate on. Not to mention gated roads that have no motorized traffic. But instead, many choose to pedal along on 2 lane, no shoulder, 70 mph highways that are already clogged with tourists pulling campers, boats, etc. and local traffic. Simple arrogance, no other way to put it. Bad enough to deal with the poofters in towns where they have their own special lane, up here it's ridiculous.

You did a great job of providing perspective. The roads are clogged with motor vehicles. Doesn't sound like bicyclists are the problem. I may be the only one on this forum that believes that bicycles are infinitely easier to get around than F-350s towing a 5th wheel at 60 MPH, but that's been my experience. I rode on a rural 55 MPH highway in Colorado last summer. It was a lightly traveled road. Most vehicles that encountered me never had to lift off the gas. At one point I realized I had not been passed in 10-15 minutes. I pulled over to take a few pics. When I did, a slow moving motor home came by with about a dozen or so motorists jammed up behind it. But yes, I understand how some of you have difficulty negotiating bicyclists. You have made it very clear.