Originally Posted by ck30943
It seems Ringworm will get a new scope for discounted or used price.....CL, Doug and Neil got drug thru the mud....and several from the cheap seat got to give their professional opinions...only to be put on the watch list.......what good came from this public post......I have bought several demo's and discontinued scopes from CL at one hell of a savings....knowing there is a chance I'd get a bad one.....but also knowing Doug or Neil will give me good advice....or fix it.....don't think OP really wanted it to work.....just my two cents.....
Archie Solomon

Actually what they told the OP to do was to send it to Vortex and basically cheat them into giving him a new scope instead of taking care of the matter themself. The man bought a demo scope and they are trying to get him to cheat Vortex, many of you seem OK with that but there are those of us who try not to cheat people every chance we get.