Well, make a liar out of me!

I had to leave the gun show early yesterday, to go to a birthday party about 60 miles away, and my car wouldn't start. One of the show staff members, after letting me use his cell phone to call my wife, suggested I talk to the ladies who had several tables next to where my buddy and I had been set up. They have a combination auto repair shop and gun shop about a half mile from where the show was held. I made arrangements for them to get my car over to their shop after the show, and see what the problem was.

My wife and I had been out running some errands this morning, and because we were in the area, I suggested we drive by and see if my car had been moved out of the lot. It was gone, so we went to the repair shop so I could see what was going on, and it was outside on a battery charger. They had gotten it to start and were charging the battery so they could check out the systems, and make sure it wasn't just the battery. When we went inside, I was amazed at how they had enlarged the gun shop since I had been there before. We discussed the car situation, and then I was chatting with one of the owners about the gun business. I mentioned an interest in 99's, and was told they had three right now. I had seen the commemarative they had on the wall, but hadn't noticed the other two. One was an older, well worn but sound early .303. After looking at it, I said I suppose the other one is a .300. No. it was a .250, looking as though it had just come out of the box. I looked at the tag, and tried to get my wife to go back into the car, but she wouldn't, so I had to put a deposit on it right then and there.

Serial 597xxx, EG

And here I had just complained that 99's were hard to find around here.