Originally Posted by T_Inman
Originally Posted by tikkanut

I must be ole school......

The guy that has the firearm in his hand(s) is responsible

You and I both.

Baldwin is the one who pulled the trigger. I don't give a damn about film industry standards, or what a set person's job title is. Baldwin is ultimately to blame and not just because he hired an incompetent "armorer". He pulled the trigger without knowing if the gun was loaded or not. There is no way in hell I'd ever point a real gun at someone in that situation, let alone pull the trigger even if I had personally cleared the gun which I would have---and Baldwin should have---regardless if on paper it is the armorer's job.

Blaming a lack of following "industry standards" for Baldwin not checking if the gun was loaded is Biden level retarded. A person may as well blame a disregard of OSHA standards for choking on a rubber dick while at work.

Respectfully...if they had standards on that set the woman would still be alive.

The buck stops at the producer.

These are my opinions, feel free to disagree.