Originally Posted by Bwana_1
Originally Posted by T_Inman
Originally Posted by Bwana_1

Was the incident his fault ?

Yes, I do feel that it was his fault, despite using "blanks".

I wouldn't have put myself into the position to "shoot" at someone anyhow, whether on a movie set or not. I'd of refused that job/role/whatever, but that is besides the point.
That individual who shot Brandon Lee didn't refuse to do so, and . If the blanks used in The Crow were defective then the ammunition company who produced them may have some liability, just like some other parties in the Baldwin SNAFU do, but it doesn't change who I feel is ultimately responsible.

I am not going to believe that any actor---no matter how low budget the film is---doesn't get some sort of firearm training if their role calls for using guns. Even if they don't (which I will NOT believe), they're still responsible for what they shoot in my opinion. Incompetent armorers and producers be damned.

Well there you have it, good thing you didn't strive to be an action movie actor making millions of dollars....good on you.

I agree with T Inman and others that put the ultimate responsibility on the one with the gun in their hand. Others do have culpability like the armorer and most likely the AD in my opinion. There is no compelling reason to point any gun at another person in the movies in my opinion and you will never convince me there is. There is enough leeway in filming a movie that you can accomplish the appearance that the gun is being aimed, but not in reality.

You may not have directly said that Baldwin has no responsibility, but your posts have certainly thrown shade on his responsibility as the “shooter.” I am on my phone and can’t look back at all your posts, but I believe you have said he doesn’t have liability as the shooter, but he does have as a producer. Forgive me if I got that wrong, but that is my memory of your posts at the moment.