Originally Posted by rockinbbar
Originally Posted by Longbob
Originally Posted by T_Inman
"absolute authority" of gun safety on set doesn't mean jack to me. They failed at their job..sure. That doesn't change who conciously and willingly pulled the trigger.

I simply won't believe otherwise.

Yep. I have been saying the same from the beginning. Nice to see that some others have started changing their tune (not implying you changed). Just because it is Hollywood doesn't absolve the ultimate responsibility lies with the one holding the gun.

Y'all can trust the idiots all day long with guns, and call them "at fault" when they fug up.

I won't.

The last thing I want on the set of a movie is some imbecile actor in charge of the gun they are using. Someone with a few more brain cells has to have control of those situations.

At what point in my post did I ever say I “trusted” anyone? Point it out. I’ll wait.