Originally Posted by Longbob
Clarify this post in your context.

Originally Posted by Bwana_1
I'm not defending Baldwin, but all actors are to study the script, be on time, don't show up hung over, know their lines, etc... I highly doubt there's 1 actor male/female that's ever checked the gun prior to filming, and that's 1000's of rounds shot through the years by many many actors.

It's someone's job to be in charge of the firearms, the animals, and even the food cart...but none of those are the actors job or responsibility. I don't like the guy, but do feel kind of bad for him considering the damage he's done to some people's lives...and have to live with the fact that he took a life, and wounded another.

It's self explanatory, it appears you're just looking for a fight Bob...more than 1 person caused this tragedy, and that includes Baldwin.

I'm not on the stand at trial, neither of us were there....chill and have a cold beer.