Originally Posted by rockinbbar
Originally Posted by rte
The ultimate responsibility for this woman's death lies with the person who aimed the gun,cocked the hammer and pulled the trigger.

He ignored the most important safety rule of handling firearms and that is to first determine if the weapon is loaded.

F Baldwin and anyone who attempts to blame anyone other than Baldwin.

Round and round the rosy. Again.

Yes. Baldwin is at fault. But knowing the industry, and what safety measures that have been used for 100 years in that industry, he isn't the only one at fault.

Some of you guys sure do confuse what is OUR reality of gun safety, and THEIR make believe world of theatrics.

To put actors "in charge of their own firearm safety" is like putting kindergartners in charge of getting across the busy highway on their own...

It's unfortunate that members refuse to listen to our own boards Professionals in the film Industry, they're allowing their hatred for Baldwin to overshadow the facts as we know them today(per released Sheriff statements).

This didn't happen at a gun range, or out hunting, or plinking cans at a BBQ. It happened on a film set where the gun isn't supposed/allowed to go BANG(for real), it's supposed to be a toy gun that can't hurt anyone. Now take that same "harmless" gun loaded with correct blanks, and hold it to your temple fuggin around and you will get hurt or die. But from the actors perspective and signed contract, he's not liable nor in charge of weapons or ammo(live or blank).

The REAL question is how did the live ammo get on set, who brought said live ammo, who knew about said live ammo, who allowed said live ammo to stay on location while still filming....the set should have been shut down and people fired prior to the incident. If Baldwin knew or participated in any of the live ammo issues, his azz is done civilly and possibly criminally. But if this was done by others, and the armorer knew about it...her azz is done.

She made some very contradicting statements in her public letter from lawyers, those statements completely go against what other crew members, the Sheriff, and others have said. It will be very easy to find out who the liar is, with 90 people giving sworn statements the facts will come out...and I have a feeling she's in deep chiit. Claimed to know nothing about live ammo, claimed to know nothing about plinking with the weapon between scenes...as the armorer she best hope those things weren't taking place, because she stated the guns were locked up at all times.