With regards to Eustice's mental state, he has confessed that he is a "malignant narcissist" , and thinks that this is a good thing. He knows what he is doing is wrong but he believes he is better than everyone and doesn't care about what happens. He is a burden to society and the legal system.

Malignant narcissists get sadistic pleasure from trying to dominate other people and causing them harm.

Common Traits or signs of a malignant narcissist are:

They show zero remorse for harming someone
They will do anything that it takes to get what they want, regardless of the harm it causes others
They may feel empowered by hurting or harming others
They rank relationships and other people based on superficial standards rather than emotional qualities
Focusing on fantasies regarding their beauty, success, and power
Blaming other people for their bad behavior
Having a weak sense of self and lots of hidden insecurities
Taking over conversations and bullying people who they think are below them
Believing they deserve the best from everything and everyone and expecting that to be how things work
Never experiencing remorse or feeling like they need to apologize unless it is for their own benefit
An inability to self-regulate their emotions
Having an inflated sense of self
Lack of empathy for people and animals
Being heavily focused on their appearance and superficial aspects of themselves
Lashing out at others when they feel wronged or emotionally exposed
Taking advantage of people to achieve their own goals
Being unable to take criticism from others

If you want to read more about Eustice and see how much of a loser he is, you can browse through his civil cases here: https://jpodysseyportal.harriscountytx.gov/OdysseyPortalJP/

Last edited by GreenArmyGuy; 01/29/22.