DA is not going to back down and is pushing for felonies and prison time. Let's hope they get it.

If there are any other people who were wronged and never received restitution I highly advise you continue to file with the DA so they can mount more evidence. Eustice's whole argument is that he has a drop ship business that wasn't able to deliver fast enough to customers due to COVID19. The issues with this is he has lied about having product in warehouses, has no records of completed transactions, and he has bragged in many other cases and public records about how his business makes him millions yet he still claims to be indigent and can't afford court fees for his BS court cases. His stories and his case will not add up.

Eustice is or was studying at UHV trying to complete a degree in an Information Technology program. This degree will be useless due to his life choices. Any background check will show his soon to be felonies, arrests, and lawsuit and internet history which will make him a no go.

At this point Eustice is likely to remain a burden on society.

Last edited by GreenArmyGuy; 04/14/22.