Second Homestead Angle reply.

The current valuation on the home is $685,000. Under the evidence of this being outright fraud, you have treble damages and “Unlimited Punitive” damages you could go after here. Not knowing what other financial assets they have or physical holdings, it might be worth running this case by an attorney, and as a group paying to take this into District Civil court to achieve maximum payment. Again, with the evidence, it is a slam dunk win for the Plaintiffs in this case.

Punitive Damages in Tort Law
In the case of tort liability, courts may choose to apply punitive damages. However, they will typically only do so if the plaintiff can prove that the defendant engaged in an intentional tort and/or engaged in wanton and willful misconduct.

Hint, why do you think the Dad is busting his azz to make things right? Think maybe a lawyer hasn’t told him what I’m telling you here?

His azz, and the wife’s, is on the line for the taking as I just described above. Someone said the mother worked for Exxon. Think maybe she has a nice stock portfolio? What about the dad? They are both retired most likely, and possibly have nice accounts there for the taking.

"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)