I’ve spent practically my entire adult life training, or training other aviators, to go up against the forces of the “Great Bear.” Meaning the government and its military. There’s no effin way I’m going to support any Russian or Chinese aggression, in any way or form. No way.

The Ukraine government and hierarchy are no more corrupt than our own government and politicians but that doesn’t mean the entire populace of either country is corrupt. All the mothers and babies, grandmas and grandpas fleeing for their lives aren’t part of any corruption that has been associated with Ukraine. They’re like the rest of us….minding their own business, just wanting to be left alone and living their lives the way they want. They don’t deserve what Putin is inflicting on them.

Putin’s indiscriminate rocket attacks and bombardment of rows of apartment buildings and other purely civilian areas are aimed at infrastructure, probably in an attempt to make the areas east of Kiev unlivable and drive out all the Ukraines and reclaim those areas with Russians. Most of the fighting is going on east of Kiev and the Dnieper River it looks like, at least for now, that’s what Putin is trying to annex.

A “no fly zone” is probably not in the cards, at least as we think of it. Early on, giving Ukraine some Soviet block aircraft from some of the NATO countries was discussed but that was squashed. There have been a couple of clips of Russian aircraft being shot down this morning so maybe the Stingers are making their way to the battlefield.

Putin has also figured out the magic bullet when dealing with the West. When he reminded the world that he has nukes, everyone went “whoa” this could start a nuclear war. It’s not as if Putin just got the damn things. Just like us, he’s had them for decades but all he had to do was bring it up in conversation and it’s, “time out” let’s think this over for a few weeks.

He now knows what he has to do if the West gets involved or tightens the screws too much. “Don’t forget, I have nukes”.

NRA Life,Endowment,Patron or Benefactor since '72.