Originally Posted by Makintrax73

ITT we learn that because Russia is bigger and stronger its neighbors have no right to self determination, no right to enter into voluntary agreements with the countries _their_ citizens choose (as opposed to what Putin allows). LOL clown shoes.

Sometimes right and wrong really is this clear: When you invade a country, start a war without first being attacked yourself, murder and displace thousands of civilians, you are an A$$hole of the highest order. Reaction by others who don't appreciate you starting wars is to be expected.

So thr US is an azzhole too right? Im just looking for some consistency in some of you who have wet dream of ww3
Originally Posted by FOsteology
Aside from getting riled up and pontificating there isn't much any of us can do besides watch. None of us have any real influence or control over these events. I prefer to tune out the media go about living my life as best I can while I'm still "free".

Probably not a bad idea. I find myself much happier when im not paying attention or listening to the media