Originally Posted by JamesJr
As is usually the case on here, everything always has to be political. You aren't allowed to have an opinion on something unless it's approved first by the "Campfire Conspiracy Theorists". If they're in agreement with you, then you're considered a good guy, and loved by them, if not you're a Commie dimocrap (their spelling, not mine, I learned how to spell), and a Biden voter, even though they have absolutely no idea how you voted.

These "experts" on here are experts in their minds only, and are a prime example of the old saying that opinions are just like an azzhole, everybody has one. What's happening in Ukraine is a complicated mess, and no person on here knows with any certainty what is going on and where it will end. I'm not surprised by the hate for Ukraine because I've seen the admiration that many here have for Putin. They love him, maybe because like him, they are also small in stature and like seeing a little man do well. Whatever is the case, the majority of people do not like little Vlad, and they also do not trust the Russians, and they're going to support his opponent, whoever that may be.

I don't mind being in disagreement with anyone here on any subject, because we're not always going to see eye to eye, but at some point in time, one must look beyond politics, and stare the truth in the eye. Anyway you cut it, Putin is treading on dangerous ground. He's invaded a sovereign nation, put his nuke force on high alert, attacked some nuclear plants, declared war on civilians and non military targets, and is also apparently pizzing his own citizens off. Yet, when that is pointed out here, the only answer that comes back from the Putin lovers are some kind of goobley-gook talk about politics and how it's all everybody's fault but their boy Vladdy.

I’ve had a difference of opinion on some things which you have posted before, but on this I agree with you damn near 100%.