Originally Posted by Slope77
Originally Posted by tylerw02
Originally Posted by hosfly
Putin drew a line in the sand, a hard red line and back in 20 14 and again in 2019 saying NO NATO or else,, this is his or else,, Ukraine has NOBODY to blame,, their gov is lockstep corrupt corcksuckers and should swing from a bridge as should alot of others including but not limited to some of ours, At least he has the knockers to stand by his word that He would not accept Nato next to his borders,, Nato has been boxing russia in every few years by moving their line closer,, And ALL Nato is,is a group of Goverments combining together to form 1 more corrupt bully goverment to strong arm lesser nations, FuQ Ukraine and you too twerler,,dipshits like you give us missourians an bad name,,Go get fuQed and eat fish heads

Russia is a corrupt government. Why does Russia get to dictate what other countries do? Countries are sovereign. If they aren't attacking Russia, which they weren't, its none of Putin's business. Why do you want to give Putin the power to govern those around him outside of Russia? Seems you're repeating Russian propaganda.

"Twerler" real mature. Rather than engage civilly, you pull this childish.

Large, powerful countries influence their smaller, weaker neighbors all of the time. The US does it too - Monroe Doctrine, Cuban Missile Crisis, Granada, Nordstream, etc, etc. We took NATO expansion one step too far and Ukraine is paying for it.

Influence isn't the same as invade. Also, I can't seem to confirm that Ukraine was even up for a vote for NATO membership. Regardless of why Putin (we shouldn't say Russia because Russia seems to be against it) wants to invade, that doesn't give him a moral footing to do so. Putin is WRONG.