Originally Posted by WTM45
Originally Posted by tylerw02
Originally Posted by WTM45
Originally Posted by tylerw02
Russia is a corrupt government. Why does Russia get to dictate what other countries do? Countries are sovereign. If they aren't attacking Russia, which they weren't, its none of Putin's business. Why do you want to give Putin the power to govern those around him outside of Russia? Seems you're repeating Russian propaganda.

Replace "Russia" with "US" and replace "Putin" with "Bush."

Then engage your brain.

I've maintained for quite some time, two wrongs don't make a right. I believe disagreements with US conduct are already well established. No reason to beat a dead horse.

You are circumventing the subject. There is a point of discussion here which I am trying to get you to engage.

Were you a vocal opposition to the US stance and actions towards Iraq on 9/11? Or, was your own doctrine of war/position changed to its current stance through retrospection?

What you don't seem to understand is that this is a different topic. If you would like to discuss that topic, make a thread about it and we can talk about US history from 2003. We can talk all about sanctions placed on Iraq after their invasion of Kuwait, the treaty they mutually signed with the US (and other nations), and whether breaking the terms of the treaty justified invasion. It can be discussed to your heart's desire.

But you see, that is an apples to oranges comparison and not the "gotcha" moment you're looking for. We are sticking to the topic here. The past has no bearing on the fact that Putin's actions are wrong.