Originally Posted by Hastings
Originally Posted by tylerw02
Originally Posted by Hastings
Originally Posted by tylerw02
Russia is a corrupt government. Why does Russia get to dictate what other countries do? Countries are sovereign. If they aren't attacking Russia, which they weren't, its none of Putin's business. Why do you want to give Putin the power to govern those around him outside of Russia? Seems you're repeating Russian propaganda.

Originally Posted by tylerw02
An existence of biolabs, which you can't confirm had a weapons program, gives Russia the right to invade another country? Lots of hoops there. Why didn't Putin already invade China? I guess we should invade Russia because of their biolabs.
OK, if we stipulate that the Russian government is bad, is expansionist, is killing civilians, and all other sorts of bad things why is it our business if they are not bothering us? May we also stipulate that the Ukraine government is not so innocent either? May we also stipulate that while both sides are bad that Russia does have a point with not wanting de-facto NATO on his border? Russian paranoia is not irrational considering history. Not taking up for Putin or Russia, just saying it is not our problem and we need to get out of NATO now.
You can call Ukraine corrupt, which its government is, why is that the business of Russia? Pootie can not want NATO on his border, but that does not give him authority to invade.

Why is Ukraine our problem? I haven't advocated going to war, but supporting Ukraine because it is the right thing to do especially considering the US and Russia GUARANTEED Ukraine's security after their nuclear disarmament. The ideal situation would be that we didn't push for their nuclear disarmament in the 1990s. Putin wouldn't invade a nuclear nation, well, because they would use nukes to ensure their survival.
Sanctions and blockades on trade are an act of war and certainly lead to hot war if the blockaded nation becomes desperate.

Look at the desperate act by Japan in 1941 in response to being sanctioned and blockaded from trade.

This isn't our problem if we just stay the hell out of Europe's affairs. Including to stay out of NATO. What do we the USA have to gain by war with Russia over the equally corrupt country of Ukraine.

Not doing business with somebody is NOT an act of war. Trade is and always should be voluntary between nations. The only country being blockaded is Ukraine.

The defense of others is moral and the right thing to do, even if it is through economic sanctions and supplies. Whether or not we should be involved in Europe is another thing, and if we did not in the future, it doesn't change existing promises.

But you know what? Its a good thing we got involved in the 1940s....