Originally Posted by JamesJr
Anyway you cut it, Putin is treading on dangerous ground. He's invaded a sovereign nation, put his nuke force on high alert, attacked some nuclear plants, declared war on civilians and non military targets, and is also apparently pizzing his own citizens off. Yet, when that is pointed out here, the only answer that comes back from the Putin lovers are some kind of goobley-gook talk about politics and how it's all everybody's fault but their boy Vladdy.

James, no disrespect, but you're parroting the narrative pushed by the mainstream media. Fox included. They're stumping for the neocon war machine.

Please take a moment and watch Oliver Stone's documentaries on Ukraine. They literally blew my mind.

The first is Ukraine on fire

Unfortunately, must be watched on Youtube directly as it's been age restricted.

Follow the link and/or search Youtube for pKcmNGvaDUs

The second part of Oliver Stone's documentary is Revealing Ukraine, a follow up of sorts. It can be watched free several places. This is a link to one of them.


Originally Posted by 16penny
If you put Taco Bell sauce in your ramen noodles it tastes just like poverty