I just thought of another reason to drive my truck out ther,e though. Would there be any of you pig killers who would want to donate some pork to the Christian Aid Center homeless rescue mission where my wife works? IF so, then bringing the truck would be the way to go as I could bring a BUNCH of coolers andreturn home with some much needed protien for the homneless center. Might make some good PR for hunters and shooters, especially if a couple of piggies were taken using AR-10 or AR-15 type rifles. Just thinking out loud here, but I KNOW that the kitchen manager would be very excited to have some sausage and other pork cuts to add to her meals that are provided. Meat being byfar the most expensive item that they have to buy on a very limited, donations only budget. The Christian Aid Center offfers TWO hot meals every day, breakfast and dinner, plus lunch items for anyone in the community who shows up.

Thoughts here?

LOVE God, LOVE your family, LOVE your country, LIKE guns and sports.

About 2016 team "R" candidates "We definitely need a crew with a sack of balls the size of hot water bottles, bloviated estrogen leaking feel-gooders need not apply." Gunner 500