Originally Posted by tjm10025

Just wanted to say to those who were there how much I appreciate and enjoy my time with this great group of people. Last year, I was mostly a stranger to you. This year I was greeted as an old friend, and I can�t tell you how much that means to me. As one of the more senior members, I probably spent more of my conversational time with the older guys than with the younger. And I know I hardly talked at all to a handful of you, though that was entirely by accident. (HAJ, I was very pleased to meet you, though we didn�t get a chance to chat. My fault, and I was as delighted as any to see what a great time your lovely wife was having.) And some of you A-type personalities may have got more of my attention than others because you�re A-type personalities, but some of you quieter guys (and you know who you are) are equally well worth knowing, too.

I certainly hope to be able to meet up with some of you at other times of the year, and I pledge to make more of an effort to see that happen. My heartfelt thanks to the core group of guys who put this together each year. Steve, Bob and Pat are right there at the center of things, but there were others who put in extra effort to make things go smoothly for the rest of us, too. Steve, especially, deserves a place in heaven. First one there, I think, and I know he was the last one to leave, making sure everything was squared away.

I came home a happier and more serene person. That won�t last, of course, but I�m feeling pretty good right now, wink ,and I�ve got a fine eating-pig in my freezer. Thanks, all of you guys.

Well said and the pleasure was mine, sir! We'll do it again sometime.

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." - John Adams

Turdlike, by default.