Originally Posted by Deerwhacker444
Was watching a show recently on a Belgian neurologist who has been trying to recreate Near Death Experiences (NDE) in the lab. He broke down NDE's into about 6 parts and provided an explanation for all of them, and then he went about trying to recreate all of the parts, most of them successfully.

He wasn't trying to disprove religion, only to prove that what people experience as a NDE might have medical causes.

Which made me think back to this original post. We always hear when someone has a NDE that there is a white light, a narrow tunnel and a feeling of "warm n fuzzy" love all around. We Never hear about anybody going the other way. I believe this story by DR is the only time I've read about someone visiting the "other side", coming back from a NDE and being frightened to death.

Doc, were there any other experiences you've had where folks were revived and didn't have a good feeling about death that you can talk about, other than the 2 you mentioned?

Anybody ever talk to anybody that's had a NDE that wasn't what they portray in the movies.?

Perhaps people who take the "white light" stories as comforting and that there is no ultimate penalty for a rejection of God and his redemptive work don't know what they don't know.

I'm just speculating here as we don't have hard explanations for these stories but the scriptures tell us Satan is the great deceiver, the Father of Lies and a murderer, but that he can appear as an angel of light. To speak in the vernacular we can think of him as the once, ultimate creature (created) with an IQ of 20,000 and who has access to many dimensions, could intervene in the most fragile of moments as life is slipping away but he (maybe) knows won't. The persons who's consciousness is restored then has the "white light" story to become the calming elixir to thousands of those who read of these stories but reject God.