My critique of Doc's original post would be that clearly, a sudden arrhythmia of the type he describes puts the brain into some kinda SOMETHING; as evidenced by his statement that there's 7 seconds of oxygen (I.E., consciousness) that is going unused so to speak.

A brain experiencing a seizure or whatever it is that's happening there is not a reliable witness. Clearly, this isn't "death". It's a loss of consciousness precipitated by a massive nervous system jolt. Which sounds unpleasant as HELL, which could certainly explain why some experience, well, HELL.

Or not. I try to keep an open mind. But I don't see what Doc posted as "truth" per se; I do see strong indications of it affirming previously held beliefs that the good doctor had.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two