Originally Posted by MojoHand
Originally Posted by AcesNeights
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper

Technically Humanism is not a religion because it does not include a belief in the a deity figure not afterlife. As for the Bible being removed from libraries, if you had actually read the article carefully, in some instances it was removed from Elementary School libraries, and there is much in the Bible that is not appropriate for that audience.

Yeah it's amazing so many of us survived Sunday school. Ohh the horror...

Did they teach you the parts about child sacrifice?

Self mutilation?
Genital mutitlation?
Corpse mutilation?
Nailing dudes head to the floor?
Stabbing a Lardass so schit came out?
Incest with father?
Incest with father-in-law?
Giant demon/human hybrid offspring?
Cutting up mistresses into 12 parts and Fedex-ing them hither and yon?
Death by rape?
Bear maulings?
Hewing kings to pieces?
Impaling on stakes?
Insanity manifested as wild animal behavior?
Coitus interruptus?
Illegitimate children?
Abandoned children?
Wholesale,slaughter of animals?
Fiery furnaces?
Animal torture?
Astronomical terrors?

And don't forget a book dedicate to boobs and entering your lover's 'garden'! (The original BTE!) laugh

And many, many more....or did you just learn about the talking donkey???

I'll tell you this, the collection of translations known as the Bible may not be any good for metaphysical truth but it's a goldmine of psychological insight into early, male, Semitic thought! grin

I'm telling ya, that schit would SELL!! Imagine making a 'true to the book' adaptation mini-series from the pages of the Bible. It would make Game of Thrones look like Mr. Rogers!

Hmm, maybe I should start working on a screenplay for HBO..... wink smile cool

This post almost made reading this thread worthwhile. LMFAO

Originally Posted by 16penny
If you put Taco Bell sauce in your ramen noodles it tastes just like poverty