Aces, I think we are on the same page. It's quite possible to be spiritual without being dogmatically religious.

My comment had to do with the concepts of heaven and hell, as presented to us by a religion. Those who are in the business of selling religion would have a hard time moving their product if it didn't include such features as "an eternity of blissful afterlife with those you love!" and "72 virgins!" and so on... and those in the business of control would find it more difficult without the notion of a fiery lake of eternal suffering for disbelievers. And of course, those in the business of selling religion are usually, not always, but usually, also in the business of control.

So..... when something is put forth as PROOF of heaven or hell, it carries that baggage.

Back on topic.... I'd bet the farm that if the brains of those folks suffering these arrhythmias and "dying" were hooked up to those gadgets that show neural activity, they'd scan as anything BUT dead. They'd be lit up like an Xmas tree, and I'd venture, very similarly to how they light up if they were having a seizure.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two