Very interesting stories! Doc - Thanks for starting the thread.(Even it was a couple of years ago)

From my notes on a talk I heard recently:

(NDE - Near Death Experience)

Dr. Pim van Lommel, a cardiologist from the Netherlands, conducted a study on cardiac arrest patients who were successfully revived. He found that 18 percent had an NDE.

According to a literature study by P. M. H. Atwater,
about 50% described heaven-like, pleasant experiences,
about 15% of all NDE's are described as unpleasant, threatening, or frightening. (Such as Doc's anecdote.)
about 20% described "transcendent experiences involving “alternate realities and otherworldly scenes,” often with
“revelations of greater truths.”

Atwater also showed a connection between the type of person who has the NDE and the nature of the NDE itself.

Some research seems to show that people can make positive NDEs more likely through spiritual practice and preparation.