Originally Posted by eyeball
Yep, Jesus never beat the Truth into anyone nor even twisted an arm, as the Muzzies are prone to do, or even more just to save you. grin

Darn, I just can't help it Doc. The Truth will set you free.

Truer words were never spoken.

Those who have made light of this subject throughout this thread, are trying to ease their fears and comfort one another that their non belief and cavalier attitude will get them through if they stick together. I hope, REALLY hope, AND pray - sincerely- that they figure out soon enough that a repaired relationship with God through acknowledgement of Jesus and thier Lord (ruler over thier life) and Saviour, is their only real hope. That is true for any of us.

In answer to an earlier question, each of us do SOMETHING, every singe day, that is grievious enough to self condmen us to hell forever. It is ONLY By Gods GRACE (or, unmerited favor) THROUGH Christ and belief in him that makes the decision of which eternity for ANY of us! No matter how good or bad we think we are or are not and no matter how well we think we stack up against others or if our good deeds are more than our not so good deeds and thoughts. That will not be the marker or deciding factor. It will be only this: What did you do with Jesus, Gods only begotten Son who was God himself in the flesh? Accept him and his offer? Or reject it (maybe even ridicule it)? That, and that alone will either cause you to condemn your own self to Hell, and accepting plus getting to know Jesus whhile making him your King is the ONLY way to assure onesself of Heaven with God. It is really simple, but it is not so easy for some.

LOVE God, LOVE your family, LOVE your country, LIKE guns and sports.

About 2016 team "R" candidates "We definitely need a crew with a sack of balls the size of hot water bottles, bloviated estrogen leaking feel-gooders need not apply." Gunner 500