Originally Posted by Ringman

The unbelievers trust in their ignorant prejudice more than science. Consider, in ancient literature, the number of manuscripts available and the years between the manuscripts and the time the evens occurred. For the objective scientists there is nothing like the Bible in number of manuscripts and accuracy.

I remember lecture about three archaeologists, Drs. Nelson Glueck, Clifford Wilson, and William Albright, on a dig in the Middle East. The only Christian in the bunch was Clifford Wilson. But they all used the Bible to help them find dig sights and to date the dig sights. Gluick, being the most antagonistic, admitted something to the effect, "Those Jews were careful historians."

I was watching a program about history. There was a panel of five professors or scientists from different countries. None were even remotely religious. Something about Jesus came up. The woman from Russia suggested Jesus was based on a myth. The other four ganged up on her with legal historical facts that she could not ever begin to refute.

The atheist use a tool we are all guilty of using. It is called ignorant prejudice. blush

Not really, since main stream Biblical Scholars now accept that Moses and the Exodus are fiction.

You didn't use logic or reason to get into this opinion, I cannot use logic or reason to get you out of it.

You cannot over estimate the unimportance of nearly everything. John Maxwell