
Thats all very interesting. Thanks for posting.

And mojo has an interesting point. If there are those who are non believers still having the same common NDE experience believers have, PERHAPS the NDE TYPE (either i was in heaven, i went to hell) depends on what is happening physically to the body at time of death, each heaven or hell experience just the body's response to the physical duress of the specific dying event.

Weve been dying for millennia, and the images and notions of heaven and hell may just be the verbalizations of those who have come back from specific types of dying events.

Strokes make body respond one way, and heart attacks another- one is a hell experience, and the other is a heaven experience.

All very very interesting.

Last edited by WillARights; 04/09/14.

Trump HAD the World, ", Trump saw our children, "
Trump saw a way to make a brighter day so he started giving
There was a choice he was making, he was saving our own lives
Its true he made a brighter day for you and me. --Trump WINS 2016