The wheel is turning and you can't slow it down;
Can't let go, and you can't hold on;
Can't get off, and you can't stand still:
If the thunder don't get you, then the lightning will!


I don't personify God. God is the great swirling "what is". I came from there, and I'll go back to there. I didn't possess and individual identity before, and i won't after. I, as an individual, will not exist for eternity in Heaven. How selfish would that be! I will, however, rejoin the big dance. And that is an HONOR. Spin me around, whirl me up, let the "next guy" use this matter, this energy, that is currently "me". I had my run.

Another lyric:

The things that I am made of may jump when I say go;
But I know I'm made of sunshine, stone and water.
And even though I know some day, gonna lie down, gonna fade away
I will rise up, fresh and clean, in some completely different way!

I believe much evil springs from the notion of an immortal soul.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two