Originally Posted by Jeff_O
My critique of Doc's original post would be that clearly, a sudden arrhythmia of the type he describes puts the brain into some kinda SOMETHING; as evidenced by his statement that there's 7 seconds of oxygen (I.E., consciousness) that is going unused so to speak.

A brain experiencing a seizure or whatever it is that's happening there is not a reliable witness. Clearly, this isn't "death". It's a loss of consciousness precipitated by a massive nervous system jolt. Which sounds unpleasant as HELL, which could certainly explain why some experience, well, HELL.

Or not. I try to keep an open mind. But I don't see what Doc posted as "truth" per se; I do see strong indications of it affirming previously held beliefs that the good doctor had.

What I can say. I have not seen as many pass as Doc.

I feel in my line, I've seen more than most pass. In fact quite a dang few.

the quote of why SOME experience hell... that experience seems RARE. VERY RARE. I figured I'd never see it. I've talked to other doctors about it ,they agree its VERY rare.

I can understand the skepticism about the good NDE from most adults, but I'd bet cash, and lots of it, that if the jolt produces a bad feeling, it must do it well under 1% of the time...

But then some feel democrats don't want your guns either?

We can keep Larry Root and all his idiotic blabber and user names on here, but we can't get Ralph back..... Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, over....