I once heard the gospel presented this way, a bit of a joke but very true.

A good, upstanding, church going brother died and found himself floating toward the pearly gates. He was thinking this is awesome, I finally get to go to heaven. Right before he goes through the gate St. Peter tells him that he first must take a test and make at least 100 points on it otherwise he will be needing a pair of asbestos drawers. St. Peter asks our friend to state everything he had done in life that merited his access to heaven. HE thinks it will be a piece of cake because he lived a good life, went to church, and did some good things.

So he begins by saying "I went to church my whole life" St. Peter says great that's one point. A bit surprised, he adds "I tithed on every dollar I ever made". St. Peter says another point for you. The prospect is now starting to get a little nervous. He says "well, I never cheated on my wife and was a good father". Peter says awesome, you get two points this time, got anything else? Terrified the brother says "I taught Sunday school a couple of years". Peter says another point, you have five so far, anything else? He then cries out "all my best works have earned me only 5 points and I need 100 otherwise I am going to hell OH GOD HAVE MERCY ON ME!

Peter says that's 300 points, congratulations, welcome to heaven.

"Men must be governed by God or they will be ruled by tyrants". --- William Penn